Water main break disrupts Indianapolis traffic

Indianapolis, Indiana – Indianapolis witnessed a significant disruption on its northwest side early Thursday morning due to a water main break. The situation is under the active purview of local crews who are working diligently to isolate and repair the affected area.

Traffic Diversions in Place

Citizens Energy Group issued a statement indicating that W. 62 Street, located between Georgetown Road and Creeks Crossing Drive, will remain temporarily closed for repairs. As a result, motorists are advised to use alternate routes. Parallel streets, specifically 71st and 56th, have been recommended as detour options to accommodate the ongoing traffic challenges.

Currently, the exact cause behind the main break remains under investigation. There is no provided timeline yet on when the affected stretch of road will be reopened to the public. Residents and travelers are encouraged to stay informed and adjust their routes accordingly.

Shelly Carroll

Shelly Carroll, a distinguished journalist, has made a name for herself working with independent news and media establishments across the United States. Her principal focus involves the meticulous exploration of various social media platforms in search of the most recent and pertinent news stories, spanning local, national, and global events. Through her unwavering dedication, Shelly ensures that her audience remains well-informed on the issues that matter most.

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