Wabash Early College High School students earn college credits and save thousands
Wabash, Indiana – In 2015, Wabash High School garnered a distinguished endorsement from the Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL) at the University of Indianapolis, granting it the status of Indiana’s 13th official early college high school.
Wabash Early College High School has, since then, consistently expanded its range of dual credit courses. These courses enable students to concurrently achieve both high school and college credits, applicable to all public and numerous private colleges within Indiana. Successfully completing 30 credit hours entitles a student to the “Indiana College Core” (ICC).
The ICC comprises a structured set of 30 college-level credit hours encompassing key academic and skill-based outcomes that serve foundational general education purposes. Designed for seamless transition, the ICC is recognized across Indiana’s public academic institutions, effectively covering a student’s initial year of college studies.
The 2023 Wabash Early College High School graduating cohort achieved 19 ICCs, positioning these students to commence their college journeys at a sophomore level this forthcoming semester. Furthermore, 17 of these scholars secured certificates equivalent to half a year of college, and notably, two students accomplished a complete associate degree through Ivy Tech. Cumulatively, in the academic year of 2022-2023, 210 students from Wabash Early College secured 2,596 college credits, marking an elevation from the preceding year’s total of 1,809 credits. This translates to an estimated savings of $389,000 in college expenses, underscoring the tangible financial benefits families derive from enrollment in this program. Simply put, Wabash Early College High School offers not only academic advancement but also significant financial advantages.
The dedicated educators at Wabash Early College High School have committed substantial effort towards their own academic enrichment, attaining master’s degrees to qualify for the delivery of these advanced courses. The institution also coordinates a College Campus Experience at IUK, providing students a genuine taste of college life — both in terms of academic rigor and the social dimensions. This high school’s framework and rigorous credentialing process, coupled with the concerted efforts of its staff, contribute to making such opportunities a reality for its students.
For additional information, visit www.apaches.k12.in.us.