Indianapolis Zoo welcomes a new member to their family

Indianapolis, Indiana – A delightful announcement came on Sunday via the Indianapolis Zoo’s Facebook page, sharing the joyful news of a white-handed gibbon birth. Mother Koko proudly introduces her precious little primate to the world.

As of now, the gender of the newborn gibbon remains unknown. However, this tiny bundle of joy is thriving under the loving care of its mother, Koko. The bond between them is heartwarming to witness.

White-handed gibbons, endangered apes native to southern and southeast Asia, bear distinctive white markings on their faces, hands, and feet. They typically measure between 16 to 23 inches in length and can weigh anywhere from 9 to 15 pounds. Known for their melodic abilities, gibbons are among the few primates that engage in singing, often captivating listeners with duets that can last up to an impressive 30 minutes, as noted by the zoo.

Enthusiastic zoo visitors are warmly invited to visit the gibbon family in the captivating Forest exhibit. Witness the beauty and grace of these remarkable creatures firsthand as they create treasured memories in their new home.

Roderick Mccormick

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